Best Time for Newborn Sessions

One of the most frequently asked questions I get (from students and parents) is “when is the best time for newborn sessions?” so I’m coming in hot with my when and why for you!

Best Time for Newborn Sessions

As a mom first, this is a super easy question for me to answer. Mid-morning! I start all of my newborn sessions at about 10am! Why, you ask? This is golden hour for newborns (and mamas). Nights are usually hit or miss as far as how much sleep you get. And let’s be honest…those first few weeks, sleep is all over the place. But come about 10am…you’ve made it through the night, likely got in a morning power nap, and you’re ready to start your day.


On the flip side, I can tell you why I don’t do afternoon sessions. Have you ever heard of the witching hour? No? Just me and my hubs that refers to it as that? *insert half smile with sweat face*

Witching Hour

Witching hour usually takes place in the afternoon or late evening (depending on the baby). It’s an hour (or more…bless you) when baby is generally kind of irritable and just wants to be held. Not all baby’s experience this so if yours didn’t or don’t, I’m only slightly envious. All three of our kiddos went through some form of the witching hour and it usually took place sometime between 2pm and 5pm!

The best time for newborn sessions can vary from photographer to photographer. In my experience as a mom and newborn photographer, I find 10am is the perfect time for both myself and my clients!

As a photographer, this gives me plenty of time to get all of my kids out the door to school, come home, prep my studio and setups, charge batteries, and anything else I need to do to prepare for a session.

Looking for more tips for newborn photography? Come join my facebook group where I’m always going live and answering your questions!

Are you struggling with marketing your newborn photography biz? Check out my blog about marketing strategies!


  1. […] here to read my blog post on the best time for a newborn […]

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